Previous exams

A continuación os dejo unos enlaces de exámenes de cursos anteriores de las EOI de Andalucía.

Incluye todos los idiomas evaluables y diferentes niveles.

Do you know the difference between Say v Tell, and Speak v Talk in English?

Learn the difference between Say, Tell, Speak and Talk.
I uploaded this video at the request of one of our Facebook followers, who, like many English students, has problems knowing the difference between say, tell, speak and talk.
I divide the lesson into two parts: i) Say v Tell and ii) Speak v Talk, in order to give you the clearest way to differentiate these four similar verbs.
If you like this video and you want more FREE English lessons, be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube channel for 3 weekly episodes giving you more tips on how to speak English more fluently and with more confidence!!

Where to find ebooks sorted by level


This is my first post and with it I pretend to recopilated most of the information I have o I've found when I was studying English at EOI Fuengirola.

Today I want to present a very good page where you can find many books sorted by level. Some of them include audio.

Good luck and good reading.

Resultado de imagen de libro electronico